New Year, New Entry!
Posted: Jan 08 2016
Happy New Year! Start the year off right by tackling some of those technique flaws that you have been meaning to work on for a while!
This is a great drill to help you work on your entry. If you cross over, enter to wide, enter thumb first, enter to close to your head or too far away then this drill is for you.
Start on your side kicking with your Cordio2 Ylon-A YSTI or YSTA snorkel on. Extend your bottom arm in front of you so that your palm is down and the arm is inline with your shoulder. Start the recovery phase of your freestyle stroke.
Once you get to the entry phase pause with your finger tips dipped in the water, now pull your hand back slightly and make any adjustments necessary.
Now reenter the water in the improved position with your finger tips hitting the water first, your hand in line or just wide of your shoulder, roughly half way between your head and full extension of the arm.
This position will set you up for a great catch and a powerful pull.
Add this drill to your next workout to start eliminating those inefficient motions in your stroke!